Foundation Diet and Health
Diet and Health
The best perspective for your health

Michael Weber

Michael Weber, picture from the year 2015
Federal diploma Pharmacist, MSc Infection Biology; in charge of the Food Ingredient Tables, Author


Since 2016, I have been working at the Foundation Diet and Health Switzerland. During my employment, I have performed a wide range of tasks – this ranged from creating ingredients, transferring cookbook recipes, contributing to the development of new concepts and tools, coordinating translation work, work management, introductions of new employees, and creating and correcting of articles around nutrition to the reviews of nutrient compositions and supplements based on scientifically founded databases.

With my participation, I also hope to motivate people to adopt more health-conscious behaviour. Because a balanced diet is not only one of the most efficient means of influencing physical well-being daily, but at the same time a long-term investment in the future, which, unfortunately, offers added value that is often greatly underestimated.


The motivation behind studying biology lies in my interest in developing and deepening an understanding of people and the environment, especially the background of diseases. But I was also fascinated from the very beginning by the body’s own immune system and the general anatomic and physiological structure of people. After successfully completing my Master of Science in Infection Biology, I decided additionally to study pharmaceutical sciences. This is based on the wish to expand my knowledge in a complimentary area, namely how and why medicine affects us and what prevention options are available to us.

Particularly regarding the latter point, physical activity, a stable, social environment, and a balanced diet are crucial. Working at the foundation helped me to develop a better awareness of nutritional physiology and has therefore had a positive influence on my everyday life. Nutrition is a constantly evolving field, the influence of which on diseases in civilization will continue to play a major, albeit often underestimated, roll in the near future.

Social Media


Honors, awards, patents, etc

  • University of Basel, Master's degree, Pharmacy (2021)
  • University of Basel, Bachelor's degree, Pharmaceutical Sciences (2018)
  • Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Master of Science, Infection Biology (2015)
  • University of Basel, Bachelor's degree, Biology, general (2012)

Avtivity on our site


soy cream with rapeseed oil instead of olive oil
Soy Whipped Cream with Agar Agar
Classic Pomegranate Syrup
Pineapple Mojito Green Smoothie
Tropical Turmeric Cleanser Green Smoothie
Reboot with Kale, Oranges, and Chia Seeds
Falafel Bowl with Roasted Potatoes and Mediterranean Salad
Baked Green Falafel with Pea Protein by Terry Hope Romero
Sweet and Spicy Pineapple Cucumber Gazpacho with Cilantro
Fully Raw Pad Thai with a Creamy, Fruity Sesame Dressing
Happy Birthday Carrot Cake with Orange and Coconut Topping
Red Peppers Stuffed with Buckwheat, Tofu and Olives
Thai Mango Salad with Peanut and Lemongrass Sauce
Coconut Milk Tapioca Pudding with Brown Sugar
Miang Kham sauce with Thai ginger and coconut flavor
Salsa verde made from pointed peppers and tomatillos
Oil- and sugar-free banana walnut cake with cinnamon
Healthy Happy Birthday Carrot Cake with Coconut Topping
Oat dessert balls made from pomace (e.g. carrots)
Red Thai curry paste with ginger and kaffir lime leaves


Agar-agar (organic?, raw?)
Agave syrup (agave syrup, raw?, organic?)
Allspice, ground (raw? organic?)
Allspice, seeds (raw?, organic?)
Almond milk (raw?, organic?)
Almonds (sweet almonds), raw
Amaranth, raw (Kiwicha, organic?)
American persimmon, raw (organic?)
Apple juice (raw?, organic?)
Apple sauce, unsweetened (apple compote, apple puree)
Apple, raw, with peel
Apple, raw, without peel (organic?)
Apricots, dried, unsulphured (raw?, organic?)
Aquafaba (vegan egg white, egg white substitute)
Asparagus beans, raw (yard bean, cowpea, organic?)
Avocados, raw (organic?)
Baked falafels (organic?)
Baker's yeast (active dry yeast, organic?)
Baking powder (baking agent, organic?, vegan?)
Baking soda (organic?)
Banana powder (raw? organic?)
Bananas, dried / dehydrated (raw?, organic?)
Barberries (sourthorn, raw, organic?)
Barberries, dried (organic?, raw?)
Batavia lettuce (crisphead group), raw, organic?
Beef tomatoes, raw (organic?)
Black pepper (organic?, raw?)
Blackberries, raw (blackberries, rubus, organic?)
Blackberry leaf shoots, raw, organic?
Blueberries (blueberries), raw (organic?)
Borlotti beans, raw (organic?)
Boscs bottled pears, raw, organic?
Brown sugar (raw sugar, whole cane sugar, whole sugar, organic?)
Buckwheat, raw (organic?)
Buckwheat, sprouted (raw? organic?)
Butternut squash, raw (pear squash), one butternut squash
Cantaloupe melon, raw (organic?)
Capers, preserved (raw?, organic?)
Carrots (carrots), raw (organic?)
Cashew nuts, roasted, unsalted (raw?, organic?)
Cassava, raw (organic?)
Cayenne pepper (raw?, organic?)
Celeriac, raw (organic?)
Cherries, sweet cherries (raw, organic?)
Chickpea flour (raw?, organic?)
Chili peppers, green (raw, organic?)
Chili peppers, sun-dried (raw?, organic?)
Chinese cabbage (raw, organic?)
Chinese jujube, raw (organic?)
Cinnamon stick (cinnamon stick, cinnamon, raw?, organic?)
Cloves, ground, raw?, organic? (Nägeli, cloves)
Cloves, whole (raw?, organic?)
Cocoa powder, unsweetened (raw?, organic?)
Coconut meat, raw (coconut meat, organic?)
Coconut meat, young coconut, raw (organic?)
Coconut milk, raw (coconut milk, organic?)
Coconut oil (coconut oil, coconut fat, organic?, raw?)
Coconut yogurt, vegan (raw?, organic?)
Corn cobs, raw (sweet corn, organic?)
Corn kernels, yellow, raw (organic)
Corn starch (corn starch, organic? raw?)
Corn tortilla (gluten-free, without salt, organic?, raw?)
Cow parsley, raw (organic?)
Cranberries (cranberries, cranberries), raw (organic?)
Cranberries (lingonberries), raw (organic?)
Cranberries, dried, sweetened (raw?, organic?)
Cranberry-orange sauce with apple (separate recipe)
Cream of tartar baking powder (raising agent, organic?)
Cucumbers, peeled, raw (organic?)
Cucumbers, raw (organic?)
Currant leaves, raw (organic?)
Dark chocolate coating (couverture) with coconut oil (organic? raw?)
Dark chocolate, 70-85% (organic?, raw?)
Drinking water, raw (organic?)
Durum wheat semolina (raw, organic?)
Edamame (raw, organic?)
Edamame, frozen, blanched (organic?)
Elderberries, black, raw (organic?)
Endive, raw (organic?)
Fennel seeds, raw (organic?)
Figs, raw (organic?)
Galia melons, raw (organic?)
Garden radish, raw (organic?)
Garden salsify (real, raw, organic?)
Garlic (organic?)
Garlic granules (garlic powder, raw?, organic?)
Ginger, ground (powder, raw?, organic?)
Ginger, raw (organic?)
Grape seed oil (grapeseed oil)
Grapefruit, raw (organic?)
Grapes (raw, organic?)
Green mint, raw (organic?)
Green papaya, raw (unripe, organic?)
Green pepper (organic?, raw?)
Ground elder raw, organic? (Three-leaf, goat's foot)
Helmet beans, ripe seeds, raw (Indian)
Hemp oil
Hemp seeds, peeled, raw (organic?)
Hemp seeds, unpeeled, raw, organic?
Herbal vinegar (herbal wine vinegar, raw?, organic?)
Hokkaido pumpkin (Hokkaido pumpkin)
Honeydew melon, raw (organic?)
Icing sugar (raw?, organic?)
Jacket potatoes cooked in salt (organic?)
Jerusalem artichoke, raw (organic?)
Kaffir lime leaves, raw (Kaffir leaves, organic?)
King oyster mushroom, raw (king oyster mushroom, organic?)
Kiwi, green (raw, organic?)
Leek, raw (organic?)
Lemon balm, raw (organic?)
Lemon peel, raw (organic?)
Lemon verbena (Verveine), raw (organic?)
Lemons, raw (limes, organic?)
Lentils (Erve, kitchen lentil), raw
Lime juice (raw?, organic?)
Limes, raw (organic?)
Limu Kohu (raw?, organic?)
Linseed oil (linseed oil, flax oil), cold pressed (raw?, organic?)
Lovage, raw (Maggi herb, nutmeg, organic?)
Lucuma powder (raw?, organic?)
Lupine flour (lupine protein, raw?, organic?)
Lupine meal, raw (sweet lupine meal, organic?)
Lychee (raw, organic?)
Mace (nutmeg), ground
Maple syrup (organic?, raw?)
Millet, raw (golden millet, panicle millet, millet, organic?)
Mineral water (carbonated), raw (organic?)
Monk's beard (Agretti, Barba di frate), raw (organic?)
Moong Dal (Mung Daal, organic?, raw?)
Mung beans, raw (organic?)
Mustard seeds, yellow-white (raw, organic?)
Nettle, small, raw (stinging nettle, organic?)
Oat flakes (raw?, organic?)
Okara (soy pulp, raw?, organic?)
Olive oil (cold pressed, raw?, organic?)
Olives, black, pitted (raw?, organic?)
Olives, green, pitted, raw (organic?)
Onion granules or onion powder (organic?, raw?)
Onions, dried (dehydrated, dried, organic?, raw?)
Oranges, raw (organic?)
Papaya, raw (organic?)
Passion fruit, purple, raw (organic?)
Peach, raw (organic?)
Peaches, dried (raw?, organic?)
Peanut oil (organic?, raw?)
Pears, dried (raw?, organic?)
Peppermint, fresh (raw, organic?)
Persimmon, raw (organic?)
Pimentón de la Vera (smoked paprika powder, organic?)
Pineapple, raw (organic?)
Plantain (cooking banana, flour plantain), raw, organic?
Pomelo (Bomali, Pomaly, not grapefruit)
Poppy seeds (poppy seeds, opium poppy, raw?, organic?)
Porcini mushroom powder, raw? (organic?)
Porcini mushroom, raw (organic?)
Potatoes, raw (organic?)
Potatoes, white, raw (organic?)
Pumpkin seed oil, Styrian (cold pressed?, raw?, organic?)
Pumpkin seeds, dried, raw (organic?)
Pumpkin seeds, roasted, without salt (pumpkin seeds)
Quinoa, cooked (organic?)
Quinoa, raw, peeled (organic?)
Radishes, raw (organic?)
Rapeseed oil (canola, HOLL oil, kernel oil), cold pressed?, organic?
Rapeseed oil, refined (organic?)
Raspberries (wild raspberries), raw (organic?)
Real guava, raw (guayaba, goiaba, organic?)
Red wine vinegar (raw?, organic?)
Reduced salt soy sauce (Genen-Shoyu, organic?, raw?)
Rhubarb, raw (organic?)
Rice flour, white, (gluten-free, raw, organic?)
Russet potatoes, raw (organic?)
Safflower oil (raw?, organic?)
Sauerkraut juice (raw?, organic?)
Saw palmetto fruits, raw? (organic?)
Sea salt (raw?, organic?)
Sesame oil, raw? organic?
Sesame oil, roasted (organic?)
Sesame, black (raw, organic?)
Sesame, raw, unpeeled (sesame seeds, organic?)
Shiitake mushroom, raw (Pasania mushroom, organic?)
Shiitake, dried (Pasania mushroom, shii take)
Shimeji (beech mushroom, wood fungus), raw, (organic?)
Sour cherries, dried, unsweetened (raw?, organic?)
Sour cherries, red, raw (sour cherry, organic?)
Soy cream, soy cuisine, cream (raw? organic?)
Soy sauce (shoyu, raw?, organic?)
Soy sauce (tamari, organic? raw?)
Spinach, frozen, chopped (organic?)
Spinach, raw (vegetable spinach)
Spring / leek / winter onions, raw, organic?
Star anise, real, Chinese (organic)
Star fruit (carambola), raw (organic?)
Strawberries (organic?)
Sugar (granulated sugar, sucrose, saccharose)
Sunflower seeds, raw (organic?)
Sweet corn kernels, preserved (organic?)
Sweet peppers, green (raw, organic?)
Sweet peppers, red, raw (organic?)
Sweet potato, raw (sweet potato, white potato)
Sweet soy sauce (Ketjap-Manis, organic?, raw?)
Tamarind paste (raw?, organic?)
Tapioca balls (organic?, raw?)
Tapioca starch (organic?, raw?)
Tempeh (raw?, organic?)
Tomatoes, dried (raw?, organic?)
Tomatoes, dried, with salt (organic?, raw?)
Tomatoes, raw (organic?)
Truffle oil (organic?, raw?)
Truffles, raw (organic?)
Turmeric (saffron root), ground, raw (organic?)
Turmeric, fresh (raw, organic?)
Umeboshi paste (Neriume, Bainiku)
Vegan Sour Cream
Vegan toast bread (spelt), organic
Vegan vegetable stock, organic?
Vegetable broth with little salt (organic?)
Vegetable broth without added salt (organic?)
Viper’s bugloss (raw, organic?)
Wasabi, root, raw (Japanese, green horseradish)
Wheat, germinated (wheat sprouts, raw, organic?)
White pepper (organic?, raw?)
White wine vinegar (raw?, organic?)
Winter savory, raw (organic?)
Yam bean (tuber bean, jícama, benkuang), raw, organic?
Yarrow, raw, organic?


Iod, I (Jod, J)
Niacin (née vitamin B3)
Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)
Tryptophan (Trp, W)
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)

Study Entries

Walnut-enriched diet reduces fasting non-HDL-cholesterol...