Foundation Diet and Health
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The best perspective for your health
The best perspective for your health
The best perspective for your health

Anne Ledbetter

Anne Ledbetter talks about her successful experience with using a plant-based diet to treat an ovarian malignant cyst.
4:51 English

Anne Ledbetter describes how a plant-based diet helped her avoid unnecessary surgeries.

The video is unfortunately no longer available. Please read the text below, which describes the content of the video well.

T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies
Published on:
12 March 2010
Anne Ledbetter
Number of views:
4'940 on 30 March 2017
Health, Principles/General, Medicine, Nutrition
Gynecology/Obstetrics, Vegan nutrition
Healthy, Vegan

After a history of fibroid tumors and several surgeries, faced with the diagnostic of ovarian malignant cyst, Anne Ledbetter was advised by the doctors to stop with exercise, undergo surgery and have a full hysterectomy.

Instead, she went plant-based, under the supervision of a medical doctor from The T. Colin Campbell Foundation.

The result? The surgery wasn’t necessary anymore, she went from a BMI (body mass index) of 28 to a BMI of 23, she feels much better in her 50s than twenty years before and she even won a triathlon.

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