Foundation Diet and Health
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Olive Oil Is Not Healthy

A study on the Mediterranean Diet was conducted in 1948 when people still ate a natural diet that included little or no olive oil — this study has been misused.
11:01 English

The Mediterranean Diet study was done when people ate a natural healthy way (littleor no olive oil).

Published on:
2 January 2013
Michael Klaper
Number of views:
782'130 on 30 March 2017
Principle, Restaurant and canteen food
Healthy, Food additives, Salt, Fat, Unhealthy, Health

In his presentation at the Healthy Lifestyle Expo in 2012, Dr. Michael Klaper, M.D., talks about the impact oil, salt, and sugar have on our health.

In addition to “seared flesh and overcooked vegetables,” the main ingredients in restaurant food are salt, sugar, and oil — no matter the restaurant’s specialty (e.g., Thai food, Chinese food, or European style).

Despite the common perception that olive oil is a healthy food, Dr. Michael Klaper shows that it is in fact detrimental to our health. This is because of its high caloric density, poor ratio of omega-6 to omega-3, and saturated fat content. But the food industry and olive farmers are a driving force ...

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