Fondazione Dieta & Salute
Dieta & Salute
La miglior prospettiva per la tua salute

Lindsay Ruth Wong

Lindsay Ruth Wong, Immagine del 2019
MA Sustainable Energy Policy, MA Pol. Science; Author


With a background in Sustainable Energy Policy and International Relations, I have had the opportunity to advance interdisciplinary research and communication on sustainable development issues in Europe, North America, and the Global South. In my master's program, I particularly analyzed the impacts of the implementation of clean tech and climate adaptation strategies in rural communities, as well as contributed to a research project concerning the development of agri-food systems in contemporary Asia.

My combined academic and industry experience relies on evidence-based research and outreach methods to provide reliable and accessible information to target audiences. 

I started at the foundation in December 2023 to support its research work and contribute to texts. I also support the foundation's translation work into English to grow the reach of the website worldwide.


Growing up in Vancouver, Canada, nature has always played a large role in my development through education, “play,” and nutrition. I also often participate in community activities that promote grassroots movements, such as climate protests, community farming, and promoting youth participation in nature.

My personal mission is to advocate for the environment and educate the public so they can make informed decisions concerning their own health, as well as that of our planet.


Fachbeitrag rilasciato
20 dic 2018

Wong, L. Tax Filing with Immigrant or DACA Status [Internet]. Washington: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities; 2018 Mar [cited 2023 Dec 18].

Fachbeitrag rilasciato
1 feb 2018

Wong, L. 5 Ways the Earned Income Tax Credit Can Build Assets [Internet]. Washington: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities; 2018 Feb [cited 2023 Dec 18].

Fachbeitrag rilasciato
28 feb 2018

Wong, L. Expect More Tax Refund Delays This Year [Internet]. Washington: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities; 2018, Feb [cited 2023 Dec 18].

Fachbeitrag rilasciato
5 mag 2016

Wong, L. Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. Keeping Track Measuring Progress Toward the UN Sustainable Development Goals. [Internet]. Ottawa (CA): Global Affairs Canada; 2016 [cited 2023 Dec 18].

Attività sul nostro sito


Ecologia: movimento popolare E politica sono richiesti


Amarene, rosse, crude (amarene, biologiche?)
Arachidi (crude?, biologiche?)
Arachidi tostate senza sale, biologiche?
Broccoli crudi (broccoli, broccoli, broccoli, cavoli asparagi)
Broccoli, mazzo di fiori (testa), crudi
Ciliegie acide, essiccate, non zuccherate (crude?, biologiche?)
Ciliegie, ciliegie dolci (crude, biologiche?)
Fagioli elmo, semi maturi, crudi (fagiolo viola, indiano)
Farina di lupini (proteine di lupini, cruda?, biologica?)
Farina di lupini crudi (farina di lupini dolci, biologica?)
Fichi crudi (organici?)
Fichi secchi (crudi?, biologici?)
Fragole (biologiche?)
Lamponi (lamponi selvatici), crudi (biologici?)
Melissa, melissa, cruda (biologica?)
Mirtilli (mirtilli), crudi (organici?)
Paprika in polvere, dolce (cruda?, biologica?)
Piantaggine (banana vegetale, piantaggine), cruda, biologica?
Pimento, cereali (crudi?, biologici?)
Pimento, macinato (grezzo? biologico?)
Prugna cruda (prugna vera, spremuta)
Rabarbaro crudo (biologico?)
Rapa cruda (biologica?)
Rapa cruda (biologica?)
Spinaci crudi (spinaci vegetali)
Spinaci novelli
Spinaci, congelati, tritati (biologici?)