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potato soup with vegetable topping

This creamy potato soup is served with a topping of gently steamed vegetables.


86% 74/09/17 
Ω-6 (LA, 2.3g) : Ω-3 (ALA, 0.8g) = 3:1

Ingredients (for servings, )


  • vegetable peeler
  • skillet (frying pan)
  • stove

Type of preparation

  • cook
  • chop or grind
  • sauté
  • sweat
  • season to taste
  • purée
  • remove the skin
  • peel


  1. Preparation of the soup
    For the soup, peel the onion and chop finely. Clean the leek, wash thoroughly and cut into rings. Wash, peel and quarter the potatoes.

    The author uses floury potatoes for this soup.

  2. Heat the rapeseed oil in a pan and sauté the onions in it. Add the leek rings and sauté for 3 minutes. Pour in the vegetable stock. Wash the lovage, shake dry and add. Simmer the soup for 12-15 minutes until the potatoes are soft.

    We deliberately used extra low-salt vegetable stock (see alternative preparation).

    For 4 portions, use 2-3 stalks of lovage (approx. 5-7 grams).

    We recommend using rapeseed oil instead of olive oil. This improves the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids. In the original recipe, 2 teaspoons of olive oil are used instead of rapeseed oil for 4 portions.

  3. Remove the lovage, add the oat cream and puree the soup finely. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg.

    The author did not specify a specific plant-based cream. We chose oat cream. However, you can use any other plant-based cream.

  4. For the topping
    For the topping, wash and peel the potatoes, carrots and sweet potatoes and cut into 1 cm cubes. Clean the leek, wash thoroughly and cut into 0.5 cm wide rings.

    Waxy potatoes are suitable for the topping.

  5. Finishing the soup
    Heat the rapeseed oil in a pan and sauté the vegetables for 7-10 minutes until al dente and season with a little salt and pepper.
    Serve the soup in bowls with the vegetable topping and a dollop of vegan sour cream.

    In the original recipe, 1 teaspoon of vegan margarine is used instead of rapeseed oil for 4 portions.

Nutritional Information per person Convert per 100g
2000 kcal
Energy548 kcal27.4%
Fat/Lipids20 g28.2%
Saturated Fats5.8 g29.2%
Carbohydrates (inc.dietary fiber)87 g32.1%
Sugars14 g16.0%
Fiber11 g45.9%
Protein/Albumin11 g22.1%
Cooking Salt (Na:237.9 mg)604 mg25.2%
A serving is 910g.Recommended daily allowance according to the GDA.
Cooking Salt

Essential micronutrients with the highest proportions per person 2000 kcal
VitVitamin K 85 µg114.0%
VitVitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 1.5 mg107.0%
VitVitamin A, as RAE 822 µg103.0%
ElemPotassium, K 1'868 mg93.0%
VitFolate, as the active form of folic acid (née vitamin B9 and 139 µg70.0%
MinManganese, Mn 1.4 mg68.0%
MinCopper, Cu 0.62 mg62.0%
VitVitamin C (ascorbic acid) 49 mg61.0%
ProtTryptophan (Trp, W) 0.12 g50.0%
ProtThreonine (Thr, T) 0.45 g49.0%

Detailed Nutritional Information per Person for this Recipe

The majority of the nutritional information comes from the USDA (US Department of Agriculture). This means that the information for natural products is often incomplete or only given within broader categories, whereas in most cases products made from these have more complete information displayed.

If we take flaxseed, for example, the important essential amino acid ALA (omega-3) is only included in an overarching category whereas for flaxseed oil ALA is listed specifically. In time, we will be able to change this, but it will require a lot of work. An “i” appears behind ingredients that have been adjusted and an explanation appears when you hover over this symbol.

For Erb Muesli, the original calculations resulted in 48 % of the daily requirement of ALA — but with the correction, we see that the muesli actually covers >100 % of the necessary recommendation for the omega-3 fatty acid ALA. Our goal is to eventually be able to compare the nutritional value of our recipes with those that are used in conventional western lifestyles.

Essential fatty acids per person 2000 kcal
Alpha-Linolenic acid; ALA; 18:3 omega-3 0.78 g39.0%
Linoleic acid; LA; 18:2 omega-6 2.3 g23.0%

Essential amino acids per person 2000 kcal
Tryptophan (Trp, W) 0.12 g50.0%
Threonine (Thr, T) 0.45 g49.0%
Isoleucine (Ile, I) 0.42 g34.0%
Lysine (Lys, K) 0.63 g34.0%
Valine (Val, V) 0.55 g34.0%
Phenylalanine (Phe, F) 0.45 g29.0%
Leucine (Leu, L) 0.62 g26.0%
Methionine (Met, M) 0.16 g17.0%

Essential macroelements (macronutrients) per person 2000 kcal
Potassium, K 1'868 mg93.0%
Phosphorus, P 322 mg46.0%
Magnesium, Mg 129 mg34.0%
Sodium, Na 238 mg30.0%
Calcium, Ca 164 mg20.0%

Essential trace elements (micronutrients) per person 2000 kcal
Manganese, Mn 1.4 mg68.0%
Copper, Cu 0.62 mg62.0%
Iron, Fe 5.5 mg39.0%
Zinc, Zn 1.7 mg17.0%
Iod, I (Jod, J) 11 µg7.0%
Selenium, Se 2.3 µg4.0%
Fluorine, F 2.1 µg< 0.1%
Notes about recipe

This creamy potato soup is served with a topping of gently steamed vegetables.

Portion size: Depending on your appetite, the amounts of ingredients recommended by the author for 4 portions may be enough for more.

Nutrient profile: According to GDA guidelines, one portion of this recipe covers over 75% of the average daily requirement of vitamin B6. Vitamin A is covered by 50% and folic acid, copper and manganese by over 40%. The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids is 3:1, which is below the recommended maximum ratio of 5:1 (see tips), thanks to the replacement of olive oil with rapeseed oil.

Potatoes: The starchy potato, originally from South America, is one of the most important staple foods. A distinction is made between waxy, predominantly waxy and floury potatoes. For this recipe, it is best to use floury potatoes for the soup base and waxy potatoes as a filling.

Oat cream: Oat cream or oat cuisine is a light, vegan alternative to conventional cream. Oats have a high protein content and contain many essential amino acids. They are also rich in vitamins and minerals. You can find a recipe for making your own under alternative preparation.

Lovage: Lovage, Levisticum officinale, is also known as Maggi herb because its aroma is similar to that of Maggi soup seasoning. It is used to season dishes such as vegetables, salads and soups.


Vegetable stock instead of broth: A delicious and low-salt alternative is to replace broth with vegetable stock. Stock is a highly boiled, concentrated and salt-free cooking ingredient. Depending on the concentration, it can have a very intense flavor, which is why we cannot say how much stock you need to replace the broth. You can also make your own vegetable stock. The following link takes you to our recipe: Vegan vegetable stock .

Vegan sour cream: You can also make vegan sour cream yourself. It is made using the same principle as vegan yogurt. Instead of "plant milk", you use thick "plant cream" (plant cream) with a fat content of at least 10% for vegan sour cream. You can find instructions for making it under the ingredient " Vegan sour cream (sour cream) " in the section "Your own preparation as a vegan substitute for sour cream".

Olive oil versus rapeseed oil: If you use rapeseed oil instead of olive oil, you can shift the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids from 6:1 to 3:1. Economic forces and lobbying have made olive oil a cult oil, although the omega-6 (LA) to omega-3 fatty acid (ALA) ratio is well above the recommended maximum ratio of 5:1. For more information on the subject, see the following link: Vegans often eat unhealthily. Avoidable nutritional errors.

Alternate preparation

Reduce salt : We have deliberately reduced the amount of salt by using "extra low-salt" vegetable broth. The aim is to keep the salt content as low as possible without compromising on taste. Since salt requirements vary from person to person, it is best for you to decide for yourself. We would like to recommend the book " Salt, Sugar, Fat " as an interesting read on this topic.

As an alternative to oat cream, you can also use another plant-based cream or leave it out altogether.

Vegan margarine: We used rapeseed oil instead of vegan margarine because vegetable margarine remains a controversial industrial product despite health-physiological adjustments such as avoiding trans fats.