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Quick red lentil soup with tomato, ginger and chili

This quick red lentil soup with tomato, ginger and chili is very easy to prepare.


85% 61/18/21 
Ω-6 (LA, 2.5g) : Ω-3 (ALA, 0.7g) = 3:1

Ingredients (for servings, )


  • blender or shredder
  • nut milk bag or sieve
  • stove
  • citrus juicer (lemon squeezer)
  • saucepan

Type of preparation

  • cook
  • chop or grind
  • blend
  • squeeze
  • sweat
  • remove the skin
  • überbrühen


  1. Make your own coconut milk
    Place the coconut on a firm surface and hit the belly of the coconut firmly with the back of a cleaver or with a hammer. Repeat this several times along the axis until the coconut bursts open or can be broken open by hand. Use the kitchen knife to pry out the coconut flesh.

    Coconut water: The coconut water that comes out of ripe fruits is old and no longer tasty, as it is with young drinking coconuts.

  2. Roughly chop the pulp and put it in a high-performance blender or chopper together with the tap water. Mix until you get a homogenous mass. Pass this through either a sieve or a nut milk bag and your homemade coconut milk is ready.

    You can find out more about storing coconut milk under "Tips".

    Alternatively, you can use canned coconut milk (see "Alternative preparation").

  3. Preparing vegetables
    Remove the stalks from the tomatoes and scald them in a pan of hot water. Meanwhile, peel the onion and garlic. Finely dice the onion and finely chop the garlic. Peel and grate the ginger (alternatively chop very finely). Drain the tomatoes and rinse with cold water. Then peel the tomatoes and cut into small pieces. Wash the coriander, remove the stalks and chop the leaves. Squeeze the lime. Finely chop the chili.

    As an alternative to fresh tomatoes, use about 400 g of peeled canned tomatoes for 2 portions.

  4. Preparation of the soup
    Heat oil in a pan. Add onions and sauté for about 3-5 minutes. Add garlic and ginger and sauté briefly. Add lentils, peeled tomatoes, coriander stalks and chili. Pour in about 600 ml of water and let everything simmer for about 25 minutes.

  5. Finishing the soup and serving
    Add about 150-200 ml of coconut milk for 2 portions and season with salt and lime juice.
    To serve, divide the soup between plates and sprinkle with coriander leaves.

Nutritional Information per 100g Convert per serving
2000 kcal
Energy69 kcal3.4%
Fat/Lipids3.0 g4.2%
Saturated Fats1.8 g9.0%
Carbohydrates (inc.dietary fiber)8.8 g3.3%
Sugars1.5 g1.7%
Fiber2.0 g8.1%
Protein/Albumin2.7 g5.3%
Cooking Salt (Na:52.0 mg)15 mg0.6%
A serving is 883g.Recommended daily allowance according to the GDA.
Cooking Salt

Essential micronutrients with the highest proportions per 100g 2000 kcal
MinCopper, Cu 0.17 mg17.0%
MinManganese, Mn 0.29 mg14.4%
VitFolate, as the active form of folic acid (née vitamin B9 and 25 µg12.7%
ProtThreonine (Thr, T) 0.09 g10.1%
ProtTryptophan (Trp, W) 0.02 g10.0%
ProtLysine (Lys, K) 0.17 g9.2%
ElemPotassium, K 176 mg8.8%
ProtIsoleucine (Ile, I) 0.11 g8.7%
ProtPhenylalanine (Phe, F) 0.13 g8.2%
VitVitamin C (ascorbic acid) 6.3 mg7.9%

Detailed Nutritional Information per Person for this Recipe

The majority of the nutritional information comes from the USDA (US Department of Agriculture). This means that the information for natural products is often incomplete or only given within broader categories, whereas in most cases products made from these have more complete information displayed.

If we take flaxseed, for example, the important essential amino acid ALA (omega-3) is only included in an overarching category whereas for flaxseed oil ALA is listed specifically. In time, we will be able to change this, but it will require a lot of work. An “i” appears behind ingredients that have been adjusted and an explanation appears when you hover over this symbol.

For Erb Muesli, the original calculations resulted in 48 % of the daily requirement of ALA — but with the correction, we see that the muesli actually covers >100 % of the necessary recommendation for the omega-3 fatty acid ALA. Our goal is to eventually be able to compare the nutritional value of our recipes with those that are used in conventional western lifestyles.

Essential fatty acids per 100g 2000 kcal
Alpha-Linolenic acid; ALA; 18:3 omega-3 0.08 g4.0%
Linoleic acid; LA; 18:2 omega-6 0.28 g2.8%

Essential amino acids per 100g 2000 kcal
Threonine (Thr, T) 0.09 g10.1%
Tryptophan (Trp, W) 0.02 g10.0%
Lysine (Lys, K) 0.17 g9.2%
Isoleucine (Ile, I) 0.11 g8.7%
Phenylalanine (Phe, F) 0.13 g8.2%
Valine (Val, V) 0.13 g7.8%
Leucine (Leu, L) 0.18 g7.5%
Methionine (Met, M) 0.02 g2.6%

Essential macroelements (macronutrients) per 100g 2000 kcal
Potassium, K 176 mg8.8%
Phosphorus, P 43 mg6.1%
Magnesium, Mg 13 mg3.4%
Calcium, Ca 13 mg1.6%
Sodium, Na 5.9 mg< 0.1%

Essential trace elements (micronutrients) per 100g 2000 kcal
Copper, Cu 0.17 mg17.0%
Manganese, Mn 0.29 mg14.4%
Iron, Fe 0.91 mg6.5%
Zinc, Zn 0.45 mg4.5%
Selenium, Se 0.68 µg1.2%
Fluorine, F 31 µg< 0.1%
Iod, I (Jod, J) 0.58 µg< 0.1%
Inke Weissenborn, picture from the year 2017
Inke Weissenborn, Germany
Dr. med. vet.; Recipe Author
Notes about recipe

This quick red lentil soup with tomato, ginger and chili is very easy to prepare.

Portion information: The specified amount of 2 portions is sufficient as a main course for 2 or as a starter for 4 people.

Nutrient profile: According to GDA guidelines, one portion of this recipe covers more than 100% of the average daily requirement of copper, manganese and folic acid. The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids is 3:1, which is below the maximum recommended ratio of 5:1. More on this at: Vegans often eat unhealthily. Avoidable nutritional errors.

Coconut milk is not coconut water: Coconut milk is made by pureeing the flesh of a coconut with water and then squeezing the mixture through a cloth. The result is a milky liquid with a fat content of around 15 to 25%. If the remaining fibrous mass is extracted again with boiling water and squeezed out, a thinner coconut milk is produced. This coconut milk should not be confused with coconut water.

Red lentils: Due to their high-quality proteins, lentils are a very good source of plant-based protein for vegans. The different types of lentils, which are uniformly round and flat in shape, differ not only in size but also in color. Red lentils come from India and are particularly well-known from the national dish Dal. Because they are peeled, they cook quickly and break down into a kind of mush. Soaking beforehand is therefore not necessary. Because they are not peeled, they absorb the flavor of spices particularly well.

Lime juice: The raw juice of limes, which contains a high amount of vitamin C, can be used in a variety of dishes and drinks to give them a refreshingly sour taste. Compared to lemon juice, lime juice has a more pronounced flavor.


Storing coconut milk: Homemade coconut milk from fresh coconuts will last in the fridge for about 2 to 3 days. Another storage option is freezing. To do this, pour opened or fresh coconut milk that you are not currently using into ice cube trays and put them in the freezer. This way, you always have small portions that thaw quickly.

Coriander leaves: Some people react to the intense, slightly soapy aroma of coriander with aversion or even nausea. According to statistics in Switzerland, 15% of all allergy sufferers are sensitive to coriander. In these cases, simply leave out this ingredient.

Alternate preparation

Quick option: Instead of making coconut milk yourself, you can use canned coconut milk. You can also use 400 g of peeled canned tomatoes instead of fresh tomatoes.
Instead of fresh tomatoes, you can also use peeled tomatoes from a can.