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Raw vegan ginger lemonade with dates and lemons

This raw vegan ginger lemonade with dates and lemons is a healthy alternative to conventional soft drinks. No industrial sugar, no sweeteners.


67% 97/03/00 
Ω-6 (LA, 0.1g) : Ω-3 (ALA, <0.1g) = 0:0

Ingredients (for serving, )


  • hand-held blender / immersion blender or blender
  • citrus juicer (lemon squeezer)

Type of preparation

  • food preparation without heating
  • soak
  • sieve
  • blend
  • squeeze
  • strain


  1. Soak dates in water for half an hour. Drain through a sieve and collect the soaking water.

    Since you need 150 ml of soaking water per portion, it is advantageous to use around 200 ml of water for the soaking process and adjust the amount accordingly if the number of dates increases.

  2. Squeeze the lemons with a lemon press and peel the ginger.

    The easiest and most economical way to do this is to use the sharp outer edge of a spoon. The outer edge only scrapes the brown skin off the root and leaves the yellow interior intact.

  3. Place the dates, ginger and lemon juice in a blender and add 150 ml of the soaking water per portion.

  4. Mix on the highest setting until there are no more pieces.

  5. Strain the raw vegan ginger lemonade into a glass and serve.

    During this process, it may be necessary to use a small spoon in the sieve to allow the liquid to pass through. This separation process is also known as "straining".

Nutritional Information per 100g Convert per serving
2000 kcal
Energy115 kcal5.7%
Fat/Lipids0.14 g0.2%
Saturated Fats0.01 g0.1%
Carbohydrates (inc.dietary fiber)31 g11.6%
Sugars26 g29.2%
Fiber3.3 g13.3%
Protein/Albumin1.00 g2.0%
Cooking Salt (Na:10.3 mg)6.0 mg0.2%
A serving is 436g.Recommended daily allowance according to the GDA.
Cooking Salt

Essential micronutrients with the highest proportions per 100g 2000 kcal
VitVitamin C (ascorbic acid) 14 mg17.7%
ElemPotassium, K 307 mg15.4%
MinCopper, Cu 0.15 mg15.4%
VitVitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0.12 mg8.5%
ElemMagnesium, Mg 23 mg6.2%
MinManganese, Mn 0.12 mg6.2%
VitPantothenic acid (vitamin B5) 0.36 mg6.0%
VitFolate, as the active form of folic acid (née vitamin B9 and 8.8 µg4.4%
ElemCalcium, Ca 33 mg4.1%
ElemPhosphorus, P 28 mg4.1%

Detailed Nutritional Information per Person for this Recipe

The majority of the nutritional information comes from the USDA (US Department of Agriculture). This means that the information for natural products is often incomplete or only given within broader categories, whereas in most cases products made from these have more complete information displayed.

If we take flaxseed, for example, the important essential amino acid ALA (omega-3) is only included in an overarching category whereas for flaxseed oil ALA is listed specifically. In time, we will be able to change this, but it will require a lot of work. An “i” appears behind ingredients that have been adjusted and an explanation appears when you hover over this symbol.

For Erb Muesli, the original calculations resulted in 48 % of the daily requirement of ALA — but with the correction, we see that the muesli actually covers >100 % of the necessary recommendation for the omega-3 fatty acid ALA. Our goal is to eventually be able to compare the nutritional value of our recipes with those that are used in conventional western lifestyles.

Essential fatty acids per 100g 2000 kcal
Alpha-Linolenic acid; ALA; 18:3 omega-3 0.01 g< 0.1%
Linoleic acid; LA; 18:2 omega-6 0.02 g< 0.1%

Essential amino acids per 100g 2000 kcal
Threonine (Thr, T) 0.02 g1.8%
Valine (Val, V) 0.03 g1.6%
Isoleucine (Ile, I) 0.02 g1.4%
Leucine (Leu, L) 0.03 g1.4%
Tryptophan (Trp, W) 0.00 g1.1%
Lysine (Lys, K) 0.02 g1.1%
Phenylalanine (Phe, F) 0.02 g1.1%
Methionine (Met, M) 0.01 g< 0.1%

Essential macroelements (macronutrients) per 100g 2000 kcal
Potassium, K 307 mg15.4%
Magnesium, Mg 23 mg6.2%
Calcium, Ca 33 mg4.1%
Phosphorus, P 28 mg4.1%
Sodium, Na 2.4 mg< 0.1%

Essential trace elements (micronutrients) per 100g 2000 kcal
Copper, Cu 0.15 mg15.4%
Manganese, Mn 0.12 mg6.2%
Iron, Fe 0.51 mg3.7%
Zinc, Zn 0.19 mg1.8%
Fluorine, F 24 µg< 0.1%
Selenium, Se 0.11 µg< 0.1%
Iod, I (Jod, J) 0.45 µg< 0.1%
No image available
Maria Nagel, Germany
Notes about recipe

This raw vegan ginger lemonade with dates and lemons is a healthy alternative to conventional soft drinks. No industrial sugar, no sweeteners.

Be careful with soft drinks: Ready-made soft drinks such as lemonades are very popular, but they should be consumed with caution, if at all. In addition to the immensely high (industrial) sugar content, they often contain synthetic colorings, preservatives and other additives.

It is particularly worrying if you use such drinks to quench your thirst, as the sugar content increases your thirst and your craving for sweets, and as a result you usually drink large quantities. This consumption behavior, which often leads to obesity and is described in more detail in the German Wikipedia, is suspected of being linked to the occurrence of several serious illnesses - including cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

There are now many manufacturers who use less sugar or even do without industrial sugar altogether and use natural sweeteners. It can also be observed that many products do not contain any colorings or preservatives. Such lemonades are usually even certified organic.


Cooling places: Especially on warmer days, it is recommended to cool the ginger lemonade in the refrigerator for a while before serving it.

Reduce cloudiness: The end result contains natural cloudiness. You can achieve an improved appearance by pressing the lemonade through a nut milk bag at the end. Thanks to its pore size, this allows for more optimal filtration. The remaining pore can be used to refine fruit salad or apple sauce, for example.

Alternate preparation

Other citrus fruits: The lemonade also tastes delicious with Limes or oranges instead of lemons. However, if you use oranges, it is advisable to use at least two fewer dates so that the lemonade does not end up being too sweet.

Diluting: Depending on your taste, you can further dilute the lemonade, which is very intense or concentrated in this recipe, with fresh water. Using sparkling water is also an option to get closer to the common soft drink version.