Dehydrated onions are used to refine sauces and salad dressings, etc. Commercially available onion flakes (dehydrated or dried) are no longer raw. Organic?
Radish has a spicy, hot taste and can be eaten both raw and cooked. It promotes the secretion of bile and gastric juices and has an antimicrobial effect.
Horseradish (organic?) is particularly spicy when raw or freshly grated and gives dishes a typical taste. The mustard oil glycosides it contains are good for yo
These corn tortillas are vegan, gluten-free ready-made products with no added salt and are quick to prepare. They are never raw, but organic quality is possible
Dark chocolate with 70-85% cocoa content is vegan and available in organic quality (organic). Whether it is really raw (drying, fermentation) is questionable.
Ground elder (goutweed, goutweed) is a widespread and readily available raw wild plant (organic?). When collecting, watch out for poisonous lookalikes!
Soya granules consist of ground, defatted and heated soya beans - it is never raw! Due to its protein content and consistency, it is considered an (organic?) me
Wholegrain rice, long grain (organic) tastes nutty when cooked and keeps you full for a long time. The husk, vitamins and minerals are still preserved in natura
Short grain rice (raw) has a higher starch content. White rice is suitable for both savory dishes like risotto and sweet dishes like rice pudding. Organic?